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This is my first experience with writing a blog and I look forward to discussing issues regarding mental health. September is National Suicide Prevention Awareness Month so I am sure that I will be posting about that shortly!
I really enjoy working with adolescents and loved being a therapist in an inpatient mental health facility. I am so glad that I will now have more opportunities to see clients in an outpatient setting and am looking forward to partnering with them and watching them grow. I am currently offering a group for adolescents which focuses on learning tools to help them navigate through their teens. A healthy mind, body and spirit are all so important, and these precious teen years are just the time to learn how to nourish all three.
I also have experience working with adults with substance abuse issues. Many people that battle substance abuse have other mental health issues that need to be addressed as well. Substance abuse touches everyone’s lives in one way or another; whether it is you personally, a family member, or a friend.
I will be focusing on all aspects of mental health and welcome feedback, questions and suggestions.
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